決戦の準備 Preparing for the Final Battle
(王都フェルディア・王城 昼)
Royal Castle (Fhirdiad: The Kingdom Capital) | Daytime
ディミトリ: ……そうか。アリアンロッドが落ちたか。
Dimitri: So... Arianrhod has fallen.
ディミトリ: ロドリグ、フェリクス、イングリット…… お前たちの死を、無駄にはしない。決して。
Dimitri: Rodrigue, Felix, Ingrid... I swear that I will not allow your death to be in vain...
レア: ……先程、斥候が戻りました。帝国軍は王都へ向けて進軍中のようです。
Rhea: The scouts have just now return seems the Imperial army is marching toward the Kingdom capital.
Are you certain about this, Dimitri? As king, do you think it wise to intercept them yourself?
ディミトリ: ご心配には及びません。たとえ私が倒れてもブレーダッドの血は続くのですから。
Dimitri: No need to worry yourself. Even if I am defeated, the Blaiddyd bloodline will live on.
And the Kingdom's territory has never been rich in resources. If the castle falls under siege, our loss is inevitable.
I will deploy my army onto the plains and wait for the enemy. Please position your forces so that they can flank the Imperial army.
レア: ……確かに、現状を鑑みれば平原での決戦は合理的な選択でしょう。
Rhea: Yes, given the present situation, making the plains our battlefield is a logical choice.
I have no objection. However...
ディミトリ: ……「俺」が欲しいものは、一つだけ。他の獲物に、興味などありません。
Dimitri: There is only one person I am after. I have no interest in any other prey.
レア: ……その言葉を信じます。あの子を「なかったこと」にするのは私の役目。
Rhea: I will take you at your word. Erasing the other child's existence is my task, and mine alone.
I will get you back, Mother... I promise...
ヒューベルト: どうでしょう、エーデルガルト様。彼らはフェルディアに籠もると思いますか。
Hubert: What do you think, Lady Edelgard? Will they shut themselves inside of Fhirdiad?
エーデルガルト: 迎撃するに決まっているわ。フェルディアは簡単には落ちないでしょうけれど……
Edelgard: They will try to intercept us. Of course, Fhirdiad will not fall so easily. Even so...
If were to cut off their supply with a large army, it would eventually fall.
It makes much more sense for them to wager everything on a victory at the Tailtean Plains.
Byleth: The Tailtean Plains...
エーデルガルト: 千年以上前に、聖者と嘯くセイロスが、解放王ネメシスを討って逆転勝利した野。
Edelgard: The same plains where the so-called divine Seiros defeated Nemesis, the King of Liberation, in a comeback victory over 1,000 years ago.
And about 400 years ago, the hero Loog created the Kingdom by defeating the emperor of the time on those very plains.
Their goal must be to recreate that scene.
ヒューベルト: やはり、そうなりますか。
Hubert: Yes, I suppose so.
Although the Imperial army is powerful, if we were to compare the strength of our best to the best of the Knight of Seiros, we would likely come up short.
The Kingdom's army and House Blaiddyd are also renowned for their unmatched persistence.
On the battlefield, it can be assumed that their one and only goal will be to strike you down.
エーデルガルト: ヒューベルト。私に、戦場に立つなと言いたげね。
Edelgard: Are you telling me to stay off the battlefield?
ヒューベルト: 無論です。狙われているのは陛下なのですから。
Hubert: Naturally. You are their aim, Your Majesty. You must know it only makes sense to keep you out of their reach.
エーデルガルト: けれど貴方なら、こういう時に私が絶対に退かないとわかっているわよね?
Edelgard: And you must know that, at a time like this, I absolutely cannot withdraw.
ヒューベルト: それも、無論です。なので立たないでくださいとは言いません。
Hubert: Of course I know that. That is why I will refrain from asking you again to stay away from the battlefield.
エーデルガルト: この先も、“白きもの”や十傑の子孫など、恐ろしい力を持った者たちが立ち塞がる。
Edelgard: The Immaculate One, descendants of the 10 Elites, and other extremely fearsome foes await us.
But with the help of our friends, we have a chance of defeating them. We're the only ones who can.
Within our group, I am included among those with the king of strength we need to win. I absolutely will not remove myself from the front lines.
Professor you have that same strength as well, whether or not you realize it yet.
Choice 1: もちろんだ Of course.
エーデルガルト: 皇帝である私は当然としても、貴方だって死んでは困るんだから。
Edelgard: As emperor, I must not die in this war, and it would be unacceptable to lose you as well.
Choice 2: 守ってみせる I will protect you. *Edelgard up
エーデルガルト: 私を守ろうとして貴方が死ぬなんてことは絶対にやめて。
Edelgard: Please, don't get yourself killed trying to protect me.
エーデルガルト: 最後まで……共に生き残るわよ。いい?
Edelgard: Until the very end, we'll survive this trial together. Understood?